Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Manu Information Report


What Does It Look Like?
The Tui is a large dark New Zealand honeyeater bird. They grow from 27- 32 cm and weigh around 90
- 125 grams. It has a decurved bill with two white tufts on its throat that look like a bow tie.
The Chatham Island Tui are larger and have longer throat tufts.

Where Does It Live?
The Tui lives in drier and more larger lands. They are endemic to New Zealand and offshore islands.
They live in native forests, bush reserves and towns where there are flax and kowhai.

What Does It Eat?
Its preferred diet is nectar and honeydew. But fruit and insects are frequently eaten,
and pollen and seeds more occasionally.

The Tui is not threatened, but the Chatham Island Tui is endangered due to loss of habitat.
From the time of European settlement tui number decreased mainly due to destruction and loss of their
habitat. However in more recent times their numbers have increased and they are now considered secure.

The eggs are laid from September to January and the nest is made by the female.

Social Behaviour
The male Tui is aggressive to other species of birds.

The Tui are often found on their own, in pairs, or in small groups.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you have heaps of information and how you've added Māori language in your work. By Ethan


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